Showing posts with label Simple Calculation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Simple Calculation. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Question on Calculating the Value of a Property

Topic : Value of a Property

Question : John left 1/3 of his property to his son, ¼ to his daughter and remaining to his wife. If the wife’s share was $40,000. Find the total value of his property.

Solution : Let Total value of property = $ Y
Son’s share = Y x 1/3 = $ Y/3 (1/3 of the property)
Daughter’s share = Yx1/4 =$ Y/4 (1/4 of the property)
Property left for son and daughter = Y/3 + Y/4
= (4Y+3Y)/ 12 (by LCM)
= 7Y/12
Hence Remaining part of property = Y – 7Y/12 (Subtracting son’s & daughter’s
Share from total property)
= (12Y-7Y)/12
= 5Y/12
This remaining was given to wife. According to given information
Wife’s share = $40,000
5Y/12 = 40,000
Y = 40000 x 12/5 = $ 96000
Hence Total value of property= $96000