Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Introduction for Poisson equation

Let us study about Poisson Equation,

Poisson distribution is a limiting case of Binomial distribution under the following conditions.

(i) n the number of trials is indefinitely large ie., n → ∞.

(ii) p the constant probability of success in each trial is very small ie., p → 0.

(iii) np = λ is finite where λ is a positive real number. When an event occurs rarely, the distribution of such an event may be assumed to follow a Poisson distribution.

Definition: A random variable X is said to have a Poisson distribution if the probability mass function of X is

P(X = x) =e−λ λx/x!, x = 0,1,2, …for some λ > 0.

I hope the above explanation was useful, now let us study linear programing

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